Friday, December 17, 2010

*********ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders********* ***An Open Letter To Mr. Hodges 12/17/2010***


Mr. Hodges,

I would like to thank you for all your hard work and efforts on behalf of CMKX shareholders. Your continued optimism in the face of such high-level opposition is commendable.

I have read the court transcript from the recent dismissal hearing, and I have also heard the reports about the information you gave to shareholders who attended.

It is now only one week until Christmas...
Do you still feel it is possible for shareholders to be paid before Christmas?
Can shareholders expect to hear from you again before Christmas either way?
Will you be filing your appeal on December 27th if shareholders do not get paid before Christmas?

I know I'm just one shareholder, but I'm sure many shareholders are hoping to hear from you before Christmas.

Thanks again,

P.S. - I hope I won't have to change my name to Cmkx20Eleven.
