Saturday, January 9, 2010

*****ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders***** ******Hodges SEC Lawsuit Filed...!!******

For Better Or Worse...

Hodges & Associates has officially filed the SEC Lawsuit.

Getting paid without it being filed might have been nice.

Good Luck to Hodges & Associates and fellow CMKX shareholders.

Details of SEC Lawsuit

1 comment:

  1. My email to Mr. Hodges...


    Dear Mr. Hodges,

    My name is Tony Bo, and I am a long time CMKX shareholder. Actually, one of the longest, with the exception of shareholders who owned CyberMark, before it became a Casavant owned mining company.

    I started buying shares on 11/26/2002, the first day after the new company was announced in a PR. I have certificates for all my shares.

    Of course, I will be following the progress of the lawsuit with great interest and anticipation. It has been years since CMKX was revoked, and shareholders have had nothing but rumors & theories & wild predictions from very questionable sources. As you know, none of that resulted in anything of any benefit for shareholders.
    This lawsuit is the first tangible evidence of any activity which is actually focused on securing compensation for the years of torture and deception shareholders have endured.

    I want to thank you for taking on this monumental task on behalf of thousands of injured CMKX investors.
    As a shareholder of more than 7 years, I have heard everything from truck mounted drills working 24 hours a day back in December of 2002, to solar flare activity delaying the drilling schedule in October of 2003, and Urban taking the Fifth at the revocation hearing.

    Good luck to you and all shareholders.

    If my experience and tenure as a CMKX shareholder can serve to assist in your endeavor, I would be happy to do anything I can to help the cause.

    Thanks again for all your efforts in this matter.

    Tony Bo.
