Thursday, February 11, 2010

***CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Shareholders*** *********** Looks Like Friday ***********

By: gusjarvis
09 Feb 2010, 09:15 PM EST
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I am taking a much needed break from this, but

on friday we will update you all as to what is next, it will be a way of trying to answer everyones questions. Good, bad, or great!

thanks for all the support and the action, it is the action that has them watching us and just a little worried.

This is not a delay, not part of the script, I need a break from this for a couple days, and I am working huge hours.

we will press the issue until we get a check, but like me many of you are tired and burnt out, so I will answer any questions on friday after an update come out thanks!

hang in there


Feb 9, 2010, 4:31pm »
Mona Lisa Smiles: rumor: economic receipt is very real and arrived..rumor only

Mona says news on Thursday... Money on Friday... From 6 sources

Mona Lisa Smiles

BHollenegg wrote: Feb 7, 2010, 8:16am »
Thank you Chucky.... We are about to hear from Attorney Hodges anytime now. Please understand if hearing from Attorney Hodges takes a few days.
Thank you,


BHollenegg >Attorney Hodges will provide an update when the release of the funds are at the point where the adversaries cannot stop or delay the release. We should hear from Attorney Hodges anytime now.

BHollenegg>No...has nothing to do with delivery. ...Some of those involved in the release process did not make it to work because of the snow. This is not a is a situation. It is not an's a fact.

Feb 9, 2010, 7:36pm » Today at 9:34am »

By: bhollenegg

Hello Gabbyhayes..

Attorney Hodges will provide an update when the release of the funds are at the point where the adversaries cannot stop or delay the release. We should hear from Attorney Hodges anytime now.

Thank you,


1 comment:

  1. This Just In...

    The 6 sources have been confirmed...

    Happy, Bashful, Sneezy, Sleepy, Grumpy, and Doc...!!

    Dopey doesn't know anything.
