Monday, February 15, 2010

***CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Shareholders*** *********** Looks Like 'SOON' ***********


By: gusjarvis
15 Feb 2010, 01:02 PM EST
Msg. 912192 of 912211

I will make one more comment today as I am very busy

and short staffed today at work.

The shareholders have been crushed by details let out by the plaintiffs, they all know that very very very well. So to give out more hope this weekend has to be right as being wrong is totally unaccetable without a doubt. There is no chance that they lead us on at all imo.

When we heard it was almost over, then Al was finishing up his tasks to get out the news (news that would only be great or terrible and given what was said it has to be great), then to hear that the money is Al most in our hands, well that just can't be wrong. Because being wrong about that again is unacceptable at this point in th game. There is no chance we got crushed one more time as they all knew the spot we are in, most way past the end of their ropes.

So given the money is Al most in our hands, I fully expect to hear amazing news, nothing else will do.

So cheers to all the real shareholders, I am sure we have been respected at the end here and the update from Al will be like bhollenegg said, money in our hands as that would have never been said unless it was backed one hundred percent.

now back to work


By: gusjarvis
15 Feb 2010, 11:51 AM EST
Msg. 912138 of 912156

now that is a great question for bob and

given what he has said, and what the others have said, what Al has said, there should be absolutely no delays and we should hear Al's update anytime with damn good news. His tasks should be completed by now and we should be ready to move on, no other options at this point are acceptable given what has transpired. I have one hundred percent confidence we have been told the truth!

cheers to all the real shareholders


From PalTalk room...

********* WARNING *********
A shareHolder was contacted this week by a Debt Management Company. They asked the SH if they would sell all thier shares of CIM in thier E-trade account. Offered a nice sum of money but nothing worth the true value. When asked how did they get the phone number, they said they worked off a list. Be READY FFolks - IT's Coming!


Editor's Note - If any shareholders have any information about the company trying to buy CIM shares, PLEASE send me that information.
I have a BOATLOAD of CIM shares, and 'a nice sum of money' would be much better than the CURRENT 'true value', which is ZERO...!!

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