Friday, December 17, 2010

*********ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders********* ***An Open Letter To Mr. Hodges 12/17/2010***


Mr. Hodges,

I would like to thank you for all your hard work and efforts on behalf of CMKX shareholders. Your continued optimism in the face of such high-level opposition is commendable.

I have read the court transcript from the recent dismissal hearing, and I have also heard the reports about the information you gave to shareholders who attended.

It is now only one week until Christmas...
Do you still feel it is possible for shareholders to be paid before Christmas?
Can shareholders expect to hear from you again before Christmas either way?
Will you be filing your appeal on December 27th if shareholders do not get paid before Christmas?

I know I'm just one shareholder, but I'm sure many shareholders are hoping to hear from you before Christmas.

Thanks again,

P.S. - I hope I won't have to change my name to Cmkx20Eleven.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

*********ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders********* ****An Open Letter To Mr. Hodges 8/26/2010****

Mr. Hodges,

Now that the lawsuit has been dismissed, do you think it may be time to reveal the overwhelming evidence you're supposed to have?

It's been 8 months since you expected the bad guys to roll over because you threatened to file this lawsuit. They obviously are not going to voluntarily pay the shareholders.

30 days...?? 45 days...??

You should have been ready to refile the lawsuit with ALL the evidence about 10 minutes after the judge dismissed the case...!!

How can it possibly be good for the case, the plaintiffs, the shareholders, to delay shoving this evidence down the throats of the bad guys...??

Do you really still believe them when they say for the umpteenth time that they are going to pay shareholders...??

It is painfully obvious that they will NEVER pay the shareholders unless they are FORCED to do so. You should have realized that MONTHS AGO, instead of expecting them to give in to your threats of exposure.

Your poor excuse for an update, with most of the info copied from the last worthless update, confirms that you are still buying every excuse they give you for not paying shareholders...

" I still believe that will be in the near future; the most recent schedule, based on communication I received, was that it should have been finished by August 13; somehow at the very last moment, the bank was not available [?] to conclude the necessary transfers. This newest problem, I’m told, is being dealt with this weekend. "

That 'weekend' was almost 2 weeks ago...
Are you still waiting...??

Shareholders are desperately waiting for you to use the evidence you have, instead of just hinting to the judge that you may have additional info...!!

Tony Bo.

P.S. - This Just In...

(11:35 PM) very_tired15: Al said we are exremely close. He also said there is no way he will need to file the 1st Amended Complaint
(11:44 PM) very_tired15: just got off the phone with Al and Salty... it was very positive

Do you really think shareholders are still buying this crap...??


Thursday, May 20, 2010

******ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders****** ****Hodges and Associates UPDATE 5/20/2010****

Hodges and Associates Update

We have, as many have speculated, confronted a serious headwind to obtaining Economic Receipt. In my continuing efforts to resolve this matter I have recently communicated directly with the President of the United States. Although it was not my original intention to share this correspondence, it now seems prudent and necessary to do so. The letters are set forth below the next paragraph; they should be self-explanatory.

Earlier this afternoon I also sent the following to my associates in London:
“I have attached several letters which I have recently had occasion to have delivered to the President of these United States. They are, I believe, self explanatory as to what continues to take place in this land, which continues to frustrate the completion of distribution of the World Global Settlements. These Settlements, of course, includes monies for the US Dollar refunding project as an integral portion.
I believe the British Monarch needs to be aware of the exact cause of the continued delay in concluding this matter. It lies squarely in the Whitehouse in Washington, D.C. Your cooperation and assistance is hereby solicited; please ensure that Her Majesty, and other interested Monarchal parties, are advised of the circumstances which pertain. To that end, please feel free to make such use of these letters as may in your sole discretion be required.”
I took this action because the British Monarch is as anxious as many Settlement payees to have this matter resolved; accordingly, she is an ally and needs to be kept up to date regarding what’s actually transpiring.


May 14, 2010


Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. President:

I write to you this morning because people within your current administration continue to frustrate dissemination of the World Global Settlements; I am advised today that Mr. Leon Panetta participated in this act on May 14, 2010. I represent some 50,000 shareholders who are to be paid a settlement which consists mainly of monies collected from banks, brokerages, hedge fund corps, market makers, the Depository Trust Corporation/Federal Reserve, and various billionaire “naked-shorter” individuals, as well as some monies due from the SEC for damages. These various monies collected have been held far longer than they should have been, and were swept into the World Global Settlements, thereby delaying payment even further. Taxes were paid into the U.S. Treasury due on these “Settlements” on December 30th and 31st; distribution of these settlement funds could not legally be withheld past midnight of February 14th, 2010.

The continued holding of these settlement funds results in the violation of more laws such as “banking fraud,” “trust fund violations,” and, in times of war, “International Financial Terrorism.” These charges are not at the discretion of the government to overlook in the name of withholding monies that are not its property, nor its right to hold – especially given that now the Treasury is in “DEFAULT” and owned in large part by the Chinese government.

I am aware you have issued an “Executive Order” giving the diplomatic parties of Interpol, the Chinese, the Swiss, and the U.K. (MI6), the means to enforce, with all due power, dissemination of the “Settlements.” They clearly are relying on your power to assist this effort and to stop cabinet members of your staff and CIA factions from blocking the Global World Settlements. They are relying on you to exhibit your inherent Presidential character such as integrity and respect for the law, and to recognize the gravity of delaying such an important event intended to rescue not only the immediate US banking community, but to support a recalibration and refitting of various currencies and economies on a world scale necessary to abate the global collapse of economies everywhere.

We are all well aware of the “derivatives,” the Ponzi schemes of the Federal Reserve creating debt out of thin air, the real estate debacle of SIV’s and CDO’s, the “Naked Shorting” in the stock market, and the market’s overall vast manipulation for the profit of the few. The global economy needs these “Settlements” to initiate recovery, and to switch to the new asset-backed US Treasury dollars.

Mr. President, the people elected you for reasons of your promises, your apparent integrity, your conviction to help the American people uphold justice, and to return this Nation to its pre-eminent world status. Please use your good offices to ensure these “Settlements” are disseminated without further delay.





Cc: Lindell H. Bonney, Sr.

May 20, 2010


Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. President:

I write to you again this morning because your immediate personal assistance is required to ensure prompt dissemination of the World Global Settlements. As I have previously stated, I represent some 50,000 shareholders who are to be paid a settlement which consists mainly of monies collected from banks, brokerages, hedge fund corps, market makers, the Depository Trust Corporation/Federal Reserve, and various billionaire “naked-shorter” individuals, as well as some monies due from the SEC for damages. I have also been involved in the representation of other payees awaiting this distribution and have, in such capacity, been in direct communication with the UK Royal Monarch.

I am currently advised and understand the following:

• A portion of the World Global Settlement funds have been collected and are presently held in the custody of the Bank of America in Richmond, VA.
• Said funds are sufficient to cover all disbursements to be made by the authority of the Paymaster who has now spent more than eight weeks over the past three months, in Richmond, for the purpose of concluding these transfers.
• The Paymaster authority has, at the direction of the Pentagon, London, et. al., recently returned to Richmond to consummate the transfers; he was advised yesterday morning at Bank of America that the bank could not allow the transfers to be made until one additional signature was obtained.
• Accordingly, on May 19, 2010 an agent of Interpol began a hand-carry trip through Little Rock, Arkansas, to Charleston, South Carolina, and then on to Richmond, Virginia; the hand carried item was presented to the Bank of America officer this morning.
• The Bank of America officer then advised the Paymaster authority that Mr. Leon Panetta had instructed Bank of America that no World Global Settlement funds were to be disbursed without express personal approval from the President of the United States.
• I have previously been advised that you had given specific written authorization of these transfers when you visited the Richmond Bank of America several weeks ago.

As I advised yesterday in my communication to you, I am persuaded by these facts, that only your direct intervention will be efficacious in bringing this matter to conclusion. Mr. President, please provide, once again, your specific written authority and direction to those who continue to frustrate completion of these World Global Settlements. I would very much appreciate your written confirmation that you will do so without delay; accordingly, I will withhold further communication to the UK Royal Monarch and distribution of this correspondence to my clients until 4:30 PM EDT today.

Mr. President, the people elected you for reasons of your promises, your apparent integrity, your conviction to help the American people uphold justice, and to return this Nation to its pre-eminent world status. I implore you to use your good offices to ensure these “Settlements” are disseminated without further delay.





Cc: Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
Lindell H. Bonney, Sr.

PS. These letters were FAXed directly to the President's FAX machine; we have confirmed with the Whitehouse Communication Center that they were personally received by the President - not his staff!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

******ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders****** ***Hodges and Associates INTERIM UPDATE***

Hodges Update

I have previously stated that I would not provide an “update” until we had confirmation of economic receipt or, I became convinced that payment to CMKX shareholders would not be forthcoming in a timely manner. This “Interim Update” is the exception that proves the rule, so to speak. However, it has been a relatively long period [certainly more than I originally anticipated] since I communicated with the shareholders at large, and there is material information to impart.
Before providing some information about what has been transpiring and our current status, let me address a few other matters:
• I am an attorney and have been retained by seven brave and exceptional shareholders that represent a cross section of the proposed class.
• The Bivens action which I have filed not only sets forth the facts as I know them, it seeks to become a class-action on behalf of all shareholders.
• At this instant in time however, I literally represent only the seven named plaintiffs; as a result, I am constrained in the types and extent of information which I can provide to putative members of the class.
• In the unlikely event that this litigation continues forward, a motion will be filed with the Court requesting that a class be certified. If granted, at that point I will, presumably, be appointed by the Court to continue acting as counsel for the class; thereafter, the Court will be required to approve any and all settlements, and others matters.
• The status of the litigation can at all times be monitored on PACER; as a result, we do not respond to inquiries at my office; accordingly, please do not contact us directly for such information.
• For everyone’s information, all defendant’s have been served, and an initial scheduling conference, originally set by the Court to be held on April 26, 2010 has been continued by mutual agreement of the parties [with consent of the Court] to July 26, 2010.
• The litigation will be aggressively pursued until such time as all CMKX shareholders have been paid.
In a similar vein, please understand that we are not involved in any ongoing negotiations with the SEC and/or their representatives with a view to compromising and/or otherwise attempting to resolve claims of the shareholders. We have set forth in the complaint what the shareholders are entitled to receive; compromise is not anything that the shareholders want, desire, or would tolerate or accept.
The belief of some that yelling and screaming, loudly and publicly enough, can somehow “force” release of the CMKX moneys, is erroneous and misplaced; it will not. Having said that, I do believe that media exposure is beneficial in the sense that it keeps the pressure on the entire financial community.
Inquiring minds want to know: what is our status; what has been going on; what is holding up economic receipt; when will our money be released; and how much money is there? Let me address each of these questions, to the extent I am able, separately:
1. How Much Money – As I have said before, we have persuasive evidence to all of the facts alleged as such in the complaint; accordingly, there is a total of 3.87 Trillon Dollars.
2. When is Release – The CMKX distribution funds will be released within a very short time after there is confirmation of Economic Receipt. What does that mean? It means that currently in process is a massive shift of wealth within the US and the world community; that includes: pay out of all the domestic settlements; institution of the US dollar re-funding project; pay out of world settlements; and, distribution of funds to many other programs. This involves a total of more than $ 42 Trillion. Economic Receipt occurs when all trustees have access to all of the funds they are responsible for.
3. Our Status – We are literally on the thresh-hold. This means that the “work” remaining to be finished will not consume more hours than can be accomplished within one day. We have been at this point now for more than a few weeks.
4. The Delay – Although I could write a book about what’s been going on behind the scenes to cause this additional delay, I’ll try to give you the condensed version:
First - Please be aware and understand that there is an economic war raging in the background.
Second - The naked corruption that is endemic in D.C. is more than most can comprehend; it is clear that these miscreants have no regard for the US Constitution, Federal Laws and Regulations, nor even any sense of simple morality. They are convinced that they are above any constraint that might apply to lesser mortals and that no enforcement activity will ever successfully address them. I hasten to add that such opinions are not universal; having said that, it is more widespread than not.
Third - These miscreants are, in effect, fighting for their lives – at least that part of their lives that establishes an environment in which they can continue to lie, cheat, steal, and mortgage your progeny’s lives, all for their personal gain. Accordingly, they will fight until the doors are all closed by a power that they cannot subvert. That fight continues as I prepare this interim update.
Fourth - The good news is, we are winning the battle. The circle within which these bad apples can operate draws inexorably smaller with each attempt to bribe, suborn and otherwise corrupt the system, and the people within it. By way of example, I was advised that over the weekend one State Department person, 10 bankers and 18 Federal Reserve people were arrested and dealt with.
Fifth – By what date will we have Economic Receipt, you ask. We will have it when this initial battle phase comes to a successful conclusion. That will be in the very near future in my opinion; the current schedule based on advice I received this afternoon is that it should all be finished, with funds in the Trustee’s hands, by week’s end.
I want to extend our heartfelt thanks to those of you who continue to demonstrate support and encouragement for our efforts. We remain very optimistic for the long term. Rest assured that the fight will continue, and we will prevail.

Al Hodges

Saturday, March 27, 2010

******ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders****** **********If You Love This Country**********

An idea whose time has come...

The Proposed 28th Amendment
to the United States Constitution:

"Congress shall make NO law that applies to the citizens
of the United States that does not apply EQUALLY to the
Senators and/or Representatives;
And, ...
Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or
Representatives that does not apply EQUALLY to ALL of
the citizens of the United States of America".


According to the Trustees for the Social Security Administration,



They, the Congress (BOTH "REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATS TOGETHER") say no increase is warranted because of the losses in gross national product and other cute things..












Please pass this to ALL your friends and have them


who by the way, have just voted themselves ANOTHER 3% SALARY INCREASE!!!

We must put a stop to this outright thievery!





Just watch..

They will spend this money and find the software doesn't work,

dump the whole thing and go back to the old steam driven system

just like they did with air traffic control several years ago.

Don't worry though, they've got health care all worked out.
So here is what we CAN do....

All I ask is that you consider the suggestion here.

The entire Congress of the United States is corrupt.

And I mean both Houses and I mean both major parties.
I realize that a few Members of each House are trustworthy,


as a group they are absolutely the most corrupt bunch

to ever disgrace our Nation.
In November of 2010

the entire House of Representatives will stand for re-election;

all 435 of them.

One third of the Senate,

a total of 33 of them, will also stand for re-election.

Vote every incumbent out.
And I mean every one of them.

No matter their Party affiliation.

Let's start all over in the House of Representatives with 435 people

who have absolutely no experience in running that body,

with no political favors owed to anyone but their own constituents.

Let's make them understand that they work for us...
They are answerable to us

and they simply have to run that body with some common sense.
Two years later, in 2012,

vote the next third of the incumbents in the Senate out.
We can do the same thing in 2014 and,

by that time we will have put all new people in that body as well.

We, the People,

have got to take this Country back and we HAVE to do it peacefully.
That's what the Framers of our Constitution envisioned.

I am also suggesting term limits on the NEW BUNCH ?







Please, if you love this Country,

Send this, Share this, Tweet this, Facebook this,
to absolutely everyone you care about.

This thing can permeate this Country in no time.

Let's make it happen.**





Wednesday, March 10, 2010

******ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders****** *****Proposed 28th Amendment*****

An idea whose time has come...

The Proposed 28th Amendment
to the United States Constitution:

"Congress shall make NO law that applies to the citizens
of the United States that does not apply EQUALLY to the
Senators and/or Representatives;
And, ...
Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or
Representatives that does not apply EQUALLY to ALL of
the citizens of the United States of America".

Many citizens have no idea that members of Congress
could retire with the same pay after only one term,
that they didn't pay into Social Security,
that they specifically exempted themselves from many
of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt
from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment)
while ordinary citizens must live under those laws.

The latest is to exempt themselves from the Healthcare
Reform that is being all of its forms.
Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have
an elite that is above the law. I truly don't care if they
are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever.
The self-serving must stop. This is a good way to do

It is an idea whose time has come.

Friday, February 26, 2010

******ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders****** *****Hodges Update - Not So Imminent*****




Hodges and Associates Update
« Thread Started Today at 7:23pm »

Good evening to all CMKX shareholders. As most of you know my name is Al Hodges; I filed the Bivens lawsuit against past and present SEC Commissioners. I recommend that you read the legal allegations carefully; they will explain what has happened with your investment up through 2009. The only exception to that is for certain items which are prefaced with the words “information and belief;” in that case, the allegations describe what we believe happened.

You were all advised about one month ago of the status of my efforts on behalf of all the shareholders. At that time I advised that I would have a further update when a receipt for Economic Release had been received, or in the alternative I became convinced that such receipt would not be forthcoming in the very near future. I also opined, based on information being provided to me, that I believed such receipt was imminent. Neither has occurred as of this afternoon @ 3:00 PM PST.

In the intervening weeks, I have requested my associate and very good friend, Dennis Smith, to periodically provide some communication to you so that you were aware of our continuing efforts. He has done so as often as possible and each update has been personally approved by me.

We have had multiple reasons over the past few weeks to believe funds were to be released sooner rather than later; on each such occasion I have so advised my direct clients as is my custom and practice in such matters. On occasion, what began as a projected schedule of completion became something quite different when repeated several times over. To the extent that such communication was faulty and engendered confusion and/or false hope among you, the fault is entirely mine; please accept my heartfelt apology.

We were optimistic for early resolution; I remain so. Unfortunately, what is early for one is late for another. When we speak of ‘early’ resolution and ‘imminent’ conclusion, we are speaking within the context of the legal profession and of lawsuits in general which, as many of you know, frequently stretch into years. The last thing we intended or wanted is to contribute to shareholder angst and/or emotional ups and downs. We are well aware of both the financial and emotional plight many shareholders are laboring under. As some of you well know, you do not labor alone in such condition.

As Tramp and many others have suggested, this effort is not about CMKX alone. Receipt of the Economic Release will impact, one way or another, the entire financial structure of US and international activities. Once you can accept the truth of that statement, I’m sure that you can understand that it is a highly technical, complex and multi-faceted undertaking. CMKX has a role to play and we are doing our very best to assist in its successful conclusion.

Many of you have asked what they can do to help further “the cause.” A media blitz may become necessary but would serve no real purpose at the moment. In the meantime should anyone feel they want to do something immediately, simply send a brief note and a copy of the complaint to every mainstream news outlet you can think of; in our view more exposure is likely to lead to additional leverage.

Leverage is beneficial to hastening receipt of Economic Release; it is not required and will have no real impact on the litigation. The lawsuit has and is being served on the defendants. As many of you are aware, the SEC’s General Counsel has agreed to accept service on behalf of the five current Commissioners. In the event that this matter has not concluded after all parties have responded in Court, we will initiate our discovery.

I will do as I said I would do; i.e. you will receive an update from me at such time as we have a receipt for Economic Release or I have reached the conclusion that it is not forthcoming in the very near future. In the meanwhile, please try to understand how very difficult and uncertain this particular time is. I and my associates are working very hard to accomplish what some have asked us to do on behalf of all CMKX shareholders.

A. Clifton Hodges
Hodges and Associates

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

******CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Shareholders****** **** Hodges & Associates - Non-Update Update ****

Non-Update Update

particleswaves(Dennis Smith) DIAMOND JEDI
Hodges and Associates - February 16, 2010
« Thread Started Today at 4:45pm »

Non-Update Update

Fellow Shareholders,

Al and I are well aware of the perceived need for an “update” from this office; however there is still nothing salient or juicy or final to share one way or the other, at least at this moment. Al’s position for some time has been that as long as things are fluid and “in process” he would have no formal update to the shareholder base, preferring to hold formal “news” until release of shareholder funds has irrevocably taken place or conversely, until he was convinced it wasn’t going to happen in a timely manner. The “process” continues, nothing is yet “etched in stone” and accordingly, there is no definitive Update.

As for the “rumors”, IMO that’s precisely what they are, well-meaning or not as the case may be. I’m continually reminded of the Psychology 1A experiment where one class member is told a story or a set of facts and is asked to pass the info on to a fellow class member who in turn is asked to pass it on etc., and by the time the story gets around the room it is largely indistinguishable from the original.

I would again caution everyone not to count their un-hatched chickens. While it indeed may turn out to be the proverbial bet or “stock play of a lifetime” and pay off “shortly”, there is always Murphy’s Law to deal with, not to mention the Law of Unintended Consequence. IMO, the most reasonable posture at the moment is to remain cautiously optimistic, hoping for the best but at the same time getting on with everyday business.


Dennis Smith
Hodges and Associates

*****CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Shareholders***** *********** Looks Like NOT So 'SOON' ***********

BHollenegg Posts

buzz chat - week of 2/15/10
« Result #1 Yesterday at 8:13am »

Yesterday at 8:03am, sictransitgloria wrote:
So a new deadline has been set, and we know it's later than today. In order to set a new deadline, the Hodges team must have been given reason to believe that something will happen soon. It's probably Friday, just because that's a nice round date.

No, not the same deadline...certain steps had to be taken for the release to occur per trust instructions.


Monday, February 15, 2010

***CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Shareholders*** *********** Looks Like 'SOON' ***********


By: gusjarvis
15 Feb 2010, 01:02 PM EST
Msg. 912192 of 912211

I will make one more comment today as I am very busy

and short staffed today at work.

The shareholders have been crushed by details let out by the plaintiffs, they all know that very very very well. So to give out more hope this weekend has to be right as being wrong is totally unaccetable without a doubt. There is no chance that they lead us on at all imo.

When we heard it was almost over, then Al was finishing up his tasks to get out the news (news that would only be great or terrible and given what was said it has to be great), then to hear that the money is Al most in our hands, well that just can't be wrong. Because being wrong about that again is unacceptable at this point in th game. There is no chance we got crushed one more time as they all knew the spot we are in, most way past the end of their ropes.

So given the money is Al most in our hands, I fully expect to hear amazing news, nothing else will do.

So cheers to all the real shareholders, I am sure we have been respected at the end here and the update from Al will be like bhollenegg said, money in our hands as that would have never been said unless it was backed one hundred percent.

now back to work


By: gusjarvis
15 Feb 2010, 11:51 AM EST
Msg. 912138 of 912156

now that is a great question for bob and

given what he has said, and what the others have said, what Al has said, there should be absolutely no delays and we should hear Al's update anytime with damn good news. His tasks should be completed by now and we should be ready to move on, no other options at this point are acceptable given what has transpired. I have one hundred percent confidence we have been told the truth!

cheers to all the real shareholders


From PalTalk room...

********* WARNING *********
A shareHolder was contacted this week by a Debt Management Company. They asked the SH if they would sell all thier shares of CIM in thier E-trade account. Offered a nice sum of money but nothing worth the true value. When asked how did they get the phone number, they said they worked off a list. Be READY FFolks - IT's Coming!


Editor's Note - If any shareholders have any information about the company trying to buy CIM shares, PLEASE send me that information.
I have a BOATLOAD of CIM shares, and 'a nice sum of money' would be much better than the CURRENT 'true value', which is ZERO...!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

***CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Shareholders*** *********** Looks Like Friday ***********

By: gusjarvis
09 Feb 2010, 09:15 PM EST
Rating: post rating 3 Rate this post: Msg. 910480 of 910510
Jump to msg. #

I am taking a much needed break from this, but

on friday we will update you all as to what is next, it will be a way of trying to answer everyones questions. Good, bad, or great!

thanks for all the support and the action, it is the action that has them watching us and just a little worried.

This is not a delay, not part of the script, I need a break from this for a couple days, and I am working huge hours.

we will press the issue until we get a check, but like me many of you are tired and burnt out, so I will answer any questions on friday after an update come out thanks!

hang in there


Feb 9, 2010, 4:31pm »
Mona Lisa Smiles: rumor: economic receipt is very real and arrived..rumor only

Mona says news on Thursday... Money on Friday... From 6 sources

Mona Lisa Smiles

BHollenegg wrote: Feb 7, 2010, 8:16am »
Thank you Chucky.... We are about to hear from Attorney Hodges anytime now. Please understand if hearing from Attorney Hodges takes a few days.
Thank you,


BHollenegg >Attorney Hodges will provide an update when the release of the funds are at the point where the adversaries cannot stop or delay the release. We should hear from Attorney Hodges anytime now.

BHollenegg>No...has nothing to do with delivery. ...Some of those involved in the release process did not make it to work because of the snow. This is not a is a situation. It is not an's a fact.

Feb 9, 2010, 7:36pm » Today at 9:34am »

By: bhollenegg

Hello Gabbyhayes..

Attorney Hodges will provide an update when the release of the funds are at the point where the adversaries cannot stop or delay the release. We should hear from Attorney Hodges anytime now.

Thank you,


Friday, January 29, 2010

***CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Shareholders*** *********** 3 Weeks And Counting ***********

Needless to say, the plaintiffs and the story of the CMKX / SEC Lawsuit was NOT on Dateline.

It seems that the threat of exposure that this lawsuit may bring, was not strong enough to get the SEC or anyone else to do anything for shareholders.
Apparently, the actual filing of the Lawsuit three weeks ago was not enough either.

It appears the Lawsuit will continue, but in the world of CMKX, that means it will be dragged out with every motion available, and every step will go to the maximum time allowed.

It troubles me that there has been no coverage of this huge lawsuit by the mainstream media.
I have written to all the major shows & reporters to no avail.

I have put out my own Free Press Releases, and reported it on my blogs & Facebook Page.

Free Press Release - CMKX/SEC Lawsuit



Facebook Page - Cmkx Shareholder

Unfortunately, the course the activity is taking, is very troubling...

All Is Well. Trust The Team. Good Things Are Coming Soon...!!

Sounds vaguely familiar.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

***CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Shareholders*** ***********From*********** *****SEC Lawsuit To Be On NBC Dateline*****


The Plaintiffs in the biggest Fraudulent Finance case in world history, who are now suing the US Securities and Exchange Commission [S.E.C.] and its Commissioners et al. for $3.87 trillion in the United States District Court, Central District of California [CV10-00031 JVS MLGx: see this website: Archive, 9th January 2010], which reveals that the S.E.C. under George W. Bush Jr. marketed some 2.25 trillion CMKM/CMKX PHANTOM SHARES, are expected to be interviewed on NBC-Dateline, which normally airs on Friday night during the 10:00 pm timeslot on both coasts.

• This programme may be broadcast this coming Friday 22nd January 2010.


Friday, January 15, 2010

**CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Shareholders** ***Hodges CMKX / SEC Lawsuit Update***

Week 1 of the Hodges CMKX / SEC Lawsuit...

Lots of activity and renewed interest on the boards and in the chat rooms.

Still nothing for shareholders but rumors & theories & promises of payment.

Hopefully, that will be replaced by solid information directly from Mr. Hodges.

On a personal note...

Some people think it will hurt shareholders if people consider accepting some 'lowball' offer for our shares.
Amazing numbers in the range of $5-10 per share are being talked about.

If I was paid even 50 CENTS per share, I would have over $10 MILLION after taxes...!!

Now I'm wondering if I should accept that 'lowball' offer, or just stay on the FOOD STAMP program...??

Tough decision...!!

Good Luck to Hodges & all shareholders...!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

*****ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders***** ******Hodges SEC Lawsuit Filed...!!******

For Better Or Worse...

Hodges & Associates has officially filed the SEC Lawsuit.

Getting paid without it being filed might have been nice.

Good Luck to Hodges & Associates and fellow CMKX shareholders.

Details of SEC Lawsuit

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome To Cmkx20Ten...

Another year has ended...
More than 7 years since CMKM Diamonds started trading.

A new decade has started...

Still nothing for shareholders...
Nothing but rumors and promises for Cmkx20Ten.

Rumors of payments...

Promises of lawsuits and settlements...

Lots of action... SEC... DOJ... Tyler... Hodges...

Some events may be new, but the promises sing the same old song.

Dare I think... This time may be different?
